Two new trails for the family to enjoy in Hertford this May half term!

Hertford Town Council have organised two new free trails for children and families to enjoy this May half term. Starting Saturday 29th May 2021, visitors can search for the fa…

Hertford Town Council have organised two new free trails for children and families to enjoy this May half term. Starting Saturday 29th May 2021, visitors can search for the farmyard characters in the town centre, or explore the magic of the Enchanted Fairy Trail in the Castle grounds.

Hertford Castle Enchanted Fairy Trail

The resident Hertford Castle fairies and pixies return for the Hertford Castle Enchanted Fairy Trail from 29th May to 6th June 2021 with mystical displays for the whole family to enjoy.

With help from local businesses, organisations and charities, Hertford Town Council has organised the second Enchanted Fairy Trail, aimed at providing a fun outdoor activity for free during the half term holiday; helping all ages reconnect with nature (see below for businesses taking part).

Hertford residents, families and visitors are invited to follow the Enchanted Fairy Trail through the picturesque Castle grounds, uncovering the treasures of the fairy and pixie community hidden around the ancient trees, flower gardens and castle walls.

Plus, there is a magical surprise in store for those visiting on opening day! Fairy Sara Lou will be wandering the castle grounds greeting families and sharing her mystical fairy tales.

All we ask is that you only look and do not touch displays, as we would not want to frighten the fairies and elves, especially as they are so excited to make their return!

Farmyard Town Centre Half Term Trail

Hertford Town Council has once again joined forces with the Secret Society of Hertford Crafters to support the high street with this free themed trail for children to enjoy with their families which runs from Saturday 29th May until Saturday 12th June.

Crafted Farm Characters will be hiding in shop windows around the town centre and includes ducks, tractors, highland cow and even a farm with a farmer (see photographs).

Children will need to match the shop with the farm character or scene hiding in the window (which have been created by members of the Secret Society of Hertford Crafters) in a minimum of 9 of the 13 businesses taking part around the town.

Once they have completed the trail, participants will need to submit their completed form through the letter box at the Town and Tourist Information Centre, The Wash for a chance to win a £30, £20 or £10 gift voucher to spend at a Hertford retailer.

The characters will be displayed in the shop windows and visitors will need to adhere to guidelines whilst completing the trail.

Both trails are free for families and visitors of all ages to explore. The Castle Grounds are open from 6.30am to 9pm for the Enchanted Fairy Trail.

To take part in the trails, families should visit Hertford Town and Tourist Information Centre, in The Wash opposite Hertford Theatre, to pick up trail maps from the leaflet holder. Trail maps can be downloaded from the Hertford Town Council website. You can also pick up copies from the leaflet dispensers around the Castle grounds.

Chairman of the Town Council’s Development and Leisure Committee, Cllr Jane Sartin, said: “The Enchanted Fairy Trail will bring a touch of magic to Hertford Castle this half-term. Children and families can take a walk around the beautiful Castle grounds, and discover the fairies and pixies hiding there. In Hertford town centre, tracking down the Secret Society of Hertford Crafters’ knitted farm characters and scenes will provide another fun activity. Thank you to the local businesses, organisations and the Secret Society of Hertford Crafters for making these trails possible.”  

Businesses and organisations partaking in the Enchanted Fairy Trail: 

Hertford Town Council


Mum's Guide to Hertford

Girlguiding Hertford District

Tiny Toes Hertford

Nira’s Mini Tranquillity Gardens

I Love Hertford X Manic Ceramics

Messy Church – Hertford All Saints Church

The Secret Society of Hertford Crafters

Abel Smith School


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