The Mayor of Hertford's Charity Cèilidh at Hertford Corn Exchange

The Mayor of Hertford welcomed over 70 people to a fun packed and music filled evening at the Corn Exchange, on Saturday 6th April at 6:30pm.

Guests enjoyed two sets of joyful live music by Celidh Tree - Google’s highest rated ceilidh band in 2023 - and were able to follow the Callers instructions and dance throughout the evening.

The raffle table was fully stocked with vouchers, gifts and even a giant Koala teddy. Thank you to all who donated fantastic prizes, every single item encouraged sales for the Mayor’s Charities.

Between the musical sets an auction was held, this included:

• A Unique Painting of Hertford Castle - Previously hung in the Castle itself

• 4x Shrek the Musical Tickets - Performed by Hertford Dramatic and Operatic Society at the New Hertford Theatre

• Paul Crowley's (aka 366 days of photography) celebration of 15 years of Hertford Music Festival (HMF). - Featuring nearly 1,000 artists performing at 74 venues over 15 years. The HMF was a 'pub concept' conceived by Kev Saunders (signed) and Rob Guinn (signed)

• 2x Hertford Football Club Season Tickets

Thank you to everyone who donated auction lots, the friendly bidding wars were extremely entertaining.

The Ceilidh was held in the Hertford Corn Exchange, a Live Music venue. It was fantastic to hold an event within Hertford Town and show how versatile Hertford is. The Corn Exchange were great hosts, and it was the perfect venue for the occasion!

This event raised over £300 to add to the Mayor’s Charity collections for Mudlarks and the Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust.

The Mayor of Hertford, Councillor Vicky Smith said:

“Thank you to everyone who came along to the charity Ceilidh, raising funds for our two fantastic charities. We had so much fun, dancing to the Ceilidh Tree Band. With participants from 13 years old to 80 it was definitely a big hit with everyone!”

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