Secret Society of Hertford Crafters Tribute to Captain Tom Moore
You will have noticed that the ever creative Secret Society of Hertford Crafters are once again delighting the public with their creations honouring keyworkers and fundraising…
You will have noticed that the ever creative Secret Society of Hertford Crafters are once again delighting the public with their creations honouring keyworkers and fundraising for charity.
Every day, starting Monday 13th April 2020, they are posting a photo of a different key worker on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, together with a little story about that key worker.
Today marks the 100th birthday of Captain Tom Moore and to celebrate member Nikki King, who is in the army herself, has made a crochet version of the now famous centenarian.
Nikki says: “Captain Tom was in the army, so a connection is there, as I am in the army. He is such a brave gentleman, raising so much money and giving people hope. This is a key value in the army: selfless commitment, personal courage, discipline, loyalty and integrity are those that he has shown whilst doing his laps every day.”
Member Marilyn Taylor made his tiny medals and regimental badge in cross stitch and made his walker using needlepoint on plastic canvas and buttons for wheels and member Linda Williams knitted his tie using cocktail sticks. A great example of the way we all work together on projects. His blazer is made from dark navy cotton, trousers are grey wool, glasses are made from a piece of thin garden wire and his tie is knitted.
A spokesperson said "The attention to detail is amazing; the badge and medals are so intricate and I love his walking stick perched on top of his walker. A super example of the variety of craft skills used in our group".
In addition to creating a little spark of joy during this difficult time, The Secret Society of Hertford Crafters are raising funds for two Hertfordshire charities: Citizens Advice Bureau – East Herts and Carers in Hertfordshire: https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/YarnBomber
For more keyworkers and their stories keep an eye on on Social Media:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/secretsocietyofhertfordcrafters/
Twitter: @yarnbomber100
Instagram: www.instagram.com/bomberyarn/
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