Secret Society of Hertford Crafters’ Christmas yarnbombing event
Once again, The Secret Society of Hertford Crafters has combined a festive activity to bring the Christmas spirit to Hertford and Ware residents, shoppers and businesses
Whilst raising money for two local charities, Carers in Herts and Citizens Advice Bureau, East Herts.
SSOHC has yarnbombed 40 Royal Mail Postboxes with festive toppers; 27 in Hertford, 11 in Ware [plus one shop as the Post Office in Martins has had to close], 1 in Watton at Stone and 1 in Van Hage Garden Centre and you can find the locations of them all on our website: www.ssohc.co.uk
Some of the themes include the 12 Days of Christmas (Ware), nativity, elves & gnomes, postmen & women, Father & Mrs. Christmas, angels and carol singers.
Please don’t make a special journey to go and see them and if you are staying at home, we will be sharing photographs of all of them on our website and social media, so you won’t miss out.
As usual, we are trying to bring a little joy, engender community spirit and fundraise for our two local charities, Carers in Herts and Citizens Advice, East Herts. If you would like to donate, please visit https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/YarnBomberXmas
Both these charities are continuing their valuable community work by asking their volunteers to work from home. They require urgent funds to give their volunteers the necessary technology and support, to enable them to continue their work.
Citizens Advice is providing advice on a huge range of legal, financial and emotional issues resulting from Covid-19, and where necessary directing people to other organisations that can help them such as the food banks.
Carers in Herts are establishing a "keep in touch" telephone scheme starting with the most vulnerable in the community with the aim of extending this as widely as possible.
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