The Town Council is pleased to announce that Councillor Mrs Susan Barber was elected as the new Mayor of Hertford for the Civic Year 2022/23 at the Annual Meeting of the Counc…

The Town Council is pleased to announce that Councillor Mrs Susan Barber was elected as the new Mayor of Hertford for the Civic Year 2022/23 at the Annual Meeting of the Council, held at County Hall on Thursday 19th May 2022.

Cllr. Mrs Barber has been a resident of Hertford for over 40 years and was elected to the Town Council in 2019. Her consort will be her husband of more than 30 years, Mr Tony Barber.

Cllr Mrs Barber’s chosen charities for the year are Hertford Dramatic and Operatic Society HDOS and Future Hope.

Hertford Dramatic and Operatic Society HDOS brings together all those with an interest in the arts and bridges all generations - bringing fun and enjoyment to those involved in the productions as well as the audiences. Future Hope works with young people aged 11-19 to empower young people to have hope for their future and reach their full potential.

Long serving Town and District Councillor, Cllr Mrs Rosemary Bolton was elected Deputy Mayor for 2022/23.

Cllr. Mrs Barber said: "I am delighted to have been elected by my fellow Town Councillors to be the Mayor of Hertford for the next civic year. It is a great honor to be elected an ambassador for the County Town. I hope to be able to support the people of Hertford and I will try as Mayor to do all I can to bring people together. Over the forthcoming year I will look forward to meeting as many people as possible”.

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