Hertford Town Council Unanimously Endorses Proportional Representation

At the meeting of the Council that took place on Monday 25th March, Hertford Town Council unanimously voted to endorse a motion calling for a change in outdated electoral la…

At the meeting of the Council that took place on Monday 25th March, Hertford Town Council
unanimously voted to endorse a motion calling for a change in outdated electoral laws and to
enable Proportional Representation to be used for UK general elections and local elections in

The Motion was presented by Cllr Graham Nickson who said:

“Thirty two Councils, including several in this area have adopted this motion. Proportional Representation is also the national policy of the Labour Party, Liberal Democrats, Green Party, Scottish Nationalist Party, Plaid Cymru and Reform UK.

Proportional Representation ensures all votes count, have equal value and that seats won match votes cast. A change from the current ‘first past the post’ voting system to a more representative Proportional Representation system would be more democratic and lead to better governance at national and local levels.

The Council will be writing to the Home Secretary to urge that consideration be given to this important matter.”

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