Hertford Town Council Precept for 2024/25

At a meeting of the Full Council, Hertford Town Council has set its precept for the 2024/25 financial year of £119.48 for a Band D household. This is an increase of 8.9% from…

At a meeting of the Full Council, Hertford Town Council has set its precept for the 2024/25
financial year of £119.48 for a Band D household. This is an increase of 8.9% from the
previous year.

Cllr Paul Williams, Chair of the Finance Policy and Administration Committee said:

“The Town Council relies on the precept (or Council Tax) for around three quarters of its income each year. This increase, equivalent to about 83p per month for a Band D property, covers ongoing rising costs and gives a balanced budget, whilst maintaining adequate contingency reserves.

“It will allow us to continue the full programme of free events offered throughout the year, such as Rock at the Castle, Teddy Bear’s Picnic and the Christmas Gala, to which we have added the (already fully booked) Dark Skies event; improve our community services, including the cemetery, closed churchyards and the allotments to meet today’s environmental challenges; and continue to support and invest in the town and our community.”

The Council continues to support a wide range of organisations through its grants programme. There are two separate grant funds, and the details are available on the Council’s website at https://www.hertford.gov.uk/services/grants/

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