Hertford Heroes

Over the last few weeks, we have been overwhelmed by the camaraderie, support, dedication and compassion shown by thousands of key workers, volunteers and businesses within ou…

Over the last few weeks, we have been overwhelmed by the camaraderie, support, dedication and compassion shown by thousands of key workers, volunteers and businesses within our County Town.

We will look back on the outbreak of COVID-19 and have ‘Pride in our Past and Faith in our Future’.

The sheer quantity of people who are helping during this crisis is testament to the county’s community spirit and we wanted to share just a few stories from the week with you.
• McMullen’s Brewery gave away their surplus food from their many pubs across the Home Counties to those in need. They have now set up a pop-up food shop at their head office for NHS and key workers as well as a beer shop for the general public.
• Leaf Café are providing free storytelling on Facebook live every Monday at 11am free of charge
• Hertford Theatre donated produce before closing
• Hertford St Andrew School hand delivered their surplus food to nearby residents
• Café Nero and Costa Coffee handed their fresh stock to Hertford County Hospital staff and local charities
• Albany Radio are providing a delivery service of essential electricals to local residents
• The Secret Society of Hertford Crafters formed a COVID-19 Support group on Facebook
• Many independent food retailers are providing home delivery services for no additional cost.
• The Flower Bar left their stock of flowers outside for people to take when passing at no cost.
• Local fitness groups and personal trainers are running online workouts free of charge.

Thousands of residents and groups have started to help, support and provide for vulnerable and elderly neighbours.
If you’re able to help volunteer visit www.thvolunteering.org.uk for details on how to make a difference.

Shopping for the Essentials
The independent and national retailers are working tirelessly to restock shelves and provide delivery services.
For information on local business offerings and services visit www.gohertford.gov.uk

A Message from the Mayor of Hertford, Cllr Rosemary Bolton:
“As Mayor of Hertford, I have been humbled by the work done by the NHS, carers, Police and emergency services, key service workers, local businesses, organisation and volunteers, many of whom have full or part time jobs as well.
Every single one of you makes a difference to someone, many to more than ‘just’ one. Every little action causes a wave of goodness to help others.
Our country would literally grind to a halt without your hard work, dedication and support. You are integral to all aspects of society, helping all ages in so many different ways to provide education, health and well-being, justice, sport, culture, music and drama to our nation.
I thank you all for your contribution and I also thank those who are adhering to the government guidelines by staying home. By staying home, we will save lives and reduce the spread of this virus.
I have Pride in our Past and Faith in our Future and my thoughts and prayers are with you all during this difficult and challenging time.”

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