Crowds Rocked up and Rocked out at Free Music Festival
Thousands of visitors attended the free charity music festival, Rock at the Castle, on Sunday 4th August. The famous annual festival organised by Hertford Town Council saw an …
Thousands of visitors attended the free charity music festival, Rock at the Castle, on Sunday 4th August. The famous annual festival organised by Hertford Town Council saw an estimated 10,000 visitors, with musicians and bands performing across three stages.
Acts included pop cover bands, mod acts, soft rock and indie artists, folk and country musicians and acoustic soloists and groups. Main stage musicians included Superbird, Wolf & Man, the MKG’s, Passifs, Chris Sims and headlining the event was Radio Video. The musicians rocked out to crowds who sang and danced the day away within the picturesque castle setting.
The chosen charity to benefit from the event was Age UK Hertfordshire, whose dedicated volunteers raised £3771 on the day.
Age UK Hertfordshire promotes the wellbeing of all older people in the local community with a mission to alleviate loneliness, isolation, tackle poverty and build resilience in communities.
The donations received from Rock at the Castle will be used to continue a range of services throughout Hertfordshire including a county-wide information and advice line, day centres, befriending scheme, helping in the home service and telephone support.
Chief Executive of Age UK Hertfordshire, Deborah Paniagua said:
“Age UK Hertfordshire had an amazing day at Rock at the Castle! A million thanks goes to Hertford Town Council for deciding to support us. We support older people throughout Hertfordshire with a range of services including day centres, visiting schemes, dementia hubs and our free Information and Advice service.
We would also like to say a huge thank you to all the public that made such generous donations on the day. Your gifts will allow us to continue helping older people across Hertfordshire by reducing loneliness and isolation, tackling poverty and building resilience to help them maintain their independence for longer.
If you would like to know more about our work then please take a look at our website on https://www.ageuk.org.uk/hertfordshire/ or get in touch with our Community Engagement Team on 01707 386067 or info@ageukherts.org.uk “
The Mayor of Hertford, Cllr Rosemary Bolton said:
“Once again Hertford Town Council has organised an amazing community event for all to enjoy. It was fantastic that so many talented performers gave up their Sunday to entertain us.
We are grateful to our valued sponsors McMullen’s Brewery and Kings Estate Agents.
The day could not have happened without the army of volunteers, thank you to everyone involved.
Donations were collected for this year’s allocated charity Age UK Hertfordshire. This worthwhile charity works very hard in the area, supporting local people. Thank you to everyone who donated to their cause.”
Headline Event Sponsors, McMullens said: “Once again McMullens are delighted to provide some financial help to Rock at the Castle. We are all lucky to have such a cracking community event on our doorstep, particularly one helping to raise funds for a great charity cause, Age UK Hertfordshire.”
Associate Event Sponsors, Kings Group LLP said: “We are so honoured and proud to sponsor this year’s Rock at the castle for such an amazing charity! We are always looking for ways to support the community with this amazing music event being our third sponsor of the year so far!”
The next Hertford Town Council event at the Castle takes place on the afternoon of Sunday 18th August, when there will be tours of the Castle and a brass band playing on the lawn. For further information about upcoming Hertford Town Council events visit www.hertford.gov.uk/events
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