PRESS RELEASE 12th March 2019 HERTFORD TOWN COUNCIL AWARDS COMMUNITY & NEW HOMES BONUS GRANTS Hertford Town Council’s Finance, Policy and Administration Committee me…

12th March 2019


Hertford Town Council’s Finance, Policy and Administration Committee met on Monday 11th March and awarded grants totalling £1,127 to three Hertford-based organisations and good causes.

The Secret Society of Hertford Crafters were awarded a Community Grant for £250 towards the cost of creating a secret yarnbomb in the centre of Hertford in the summer holidays of 2019.

Hertfordshire Boat Rescue, an organisation that runs safety patrols along the river in Hertford were awarded £500 towards the cost of keeping their rescue vehicles on the road and to repair rescue boats that are damaged.

Hertford District Scouts were awarded £377 towards the cost for one Scout, Emma Robinson to attend the World Scout Jamboree in West Virginia, North America in 2019. The Jamborees focus is bringing people together to emphasize leadership and cultural understanding.

In total, over the four years of this administration Hertford Town Council has awarded to local community organisations:

- 75 Community Grants totalling approximately £59,000, and
- 3 New Homes Bonus grants totalling almost £52,000

The Town Council has also invested £300,000 into the improvements made to The Wash, Maidenhead Street and Bull Plain.

The Chairman of the Finance, Policy and Administration Committee, Cllr Bob Deering, said:

"This week’s Finance meeting was the last of this four year Civic cycle. As always, we were very pleased to have awarded grants to deserving local causes. We know they make a difference and it's very good that we're in a position to help.

Looking back over the last four years we’ve limited the overall precept increase to an average of only 24 pence a month for the average Band D household, while at the same time awarding in excess of £100,000 in grants, and making a very substantial investment in the Town centre Hertford Town. It’s great to be able to help the community in this way.”

Available Grants from Hertford Town Council

Community Grants
Grants of up to £1,200 are awarded under this scheme for a range of purposes; including public events, projects being undertaken by local voluntary organisations and endeavours by individuals which show a clear benefit to Hertford residents.

New Homes Bonus Grants
Grants of up to £30,000 are available from the New Homes Bonus fund for ambitious projects to enhance and improve communities in Hertford. Available funding will be used to support and encourage a diverse range of improvement schemes and projects across all age ranges, a wide range of interests and wherever possible innovative initiatives to meet the needs of Hertford residents and businesses.

Applications are considered quarterly at the meetings of the Finance, Policy and Administration Committee.

If you would wish to apply on behalf of a Hertford based project or business, please complete the application form, available to download at

To view case studies on organisations and charities that have already benefited from funding visit

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