On Sunday 20th August, Hertford Castle was opened exclusively to explore the Castle rooms, including the Mayor's Parlour, Robing room, and the themed basement.

Guided tours were given by the knowledgeable Friends of Hertford Castle and refreshments were served by the Hertford Town Councillors and enjoyed with the Mayor in the beautiful Castle grounds. The Mayor’s Art Exhibition and Young Persons Art Exhibition was on display in the Mayor’s Parlour and Conservatory, and it was a great addition to the Castle, showcasing local talent. Over 100 entries were received, and the art exhibited included paintings, sculptures, drawings, and textiles.


Best Landscape: Lynne Lawrence, “Storm Coming In”Broadwater Lake,

Hertford Best Hertfordscape: Ana Olarou “Our gazes met on Maidenhead street”

Best Wildlife: Margareta Nikolic “Allium giganteum”

Mayor’s Favourite: Ghislaine Peart “Bohemian Waxwing”

Best Landscape: Lexie Bloomfield “Sunset”

Best Hertfordscape: Toby Stainer “My Hertford”

Best Wildlife: George Stainer “The Duck Pond


Best Landscape: Zachary Knight “The Swirling Sea and Freshwater Green”

Best Hertfordscape: Ava “The Ducky Day Out”

Best Wildlife: James McGuinness “Hare painted in oils” YOUNG PERSONS MAYOR’S FAVOURITE Mayor’s Favorite: Amy McNab “Wildlife”

Mayor’s Favorite: Cali Wilkojc “Wildlife observed at Hartham Common”

The day raised £673.05 for the Mayor of Hertford’s Appeal Fund, which this Mayoral year is raising money for Mudlarks and Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust.

The Mayor of Hertford, Councillor Vicky Smith said: “It has been lovely to see the artistic talent from local residents and I have been amazed by all the entries from the community for the competition. It has been extremely difficult to judge who should be the winners. Thank you to those who entered and those who came to the Exhibition held at Tea and Tour.

It was great to welcome so many visitors to the Castle.”

Professional photographs by James Singler Photography.


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