2018 Hertford Entrepreneur Winner

This year's HEN winner, Jon Sheridan of Total Body Fit Camp, kindly wrote to us with an update on what he has been up to since winning the award.

Total Body Fit Camp is in its 8th year. We have a wonderful community of loyal supporters and are continuing to grow, welcoming new members to our outdoor group training every week. 

Entering the Hertford Entrepreneur Network Awards was a challenge I set myself to be an award winning company, to demonstrate we are far more than “just another exercise class” and help provide my business and clients with new equipment. Keeping things fresh and up to date.

The results of winning are already showing fruition. Unfortunately the piece of equipment I had my mind set on to purchase - was delayed to market until December 2018. I re-evaluated and spent wisely by purchasing Dumbbells, Slam Balls, and everybody’s favourite - Core Discs! Which is not only giving my clients plenty more variety but continuously challenging them to help them achieve even better body results.

Plus, we've used it in some advertising which has helped us reach just over a third more members and building strong.  

Thanks very much again, the hard work and generosity the Town Council has for local businesses has certainly paid off, and 2018 will certainly be our best year yet.

Jon Sheridan, below, with the Hertford Entrepreneur Network Judges.

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