Isabel Hospice

We like to think of our shops as "Aladdin's Caves"

Opening Times:

Monday - Saturday
9.00am - 5.00pm

Isabel Hospice in detail…

We like to think of our shops as "Aladdin's Caves" because of the variety of goods that are donated to us. We sell anything from a pack of cards to a three piece suite. Special or unusual items can be found there, alongside more routine stock. We have provided a walking stick for a disabled gentleman who had lost his own; kitted out a family with good quality clothing, provided a replacement for an item in a family's treasured tea-set which had been broken; and supplied a wedding dress, proudly modelled in our shop, for a very happy bride.

Isabel Hospice
10 Maidenhead Street
SG14 1BA

Lat: 51.79726334
Long: -0.07638676

If you feel there is something missing, or are the business owner and wish to get this listing updated, please contact the Town Centre Coordinator at Hertford Town Council on: 01992 552 885.

ID: 145

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