The Hertford Bereavement Café at Hertford Methodist Church


An informal drop-in for adults who want to meet, share experiences and chat with people who have also been through a bereavement.

Event Information:

  • Dates:from Thursday 09 January 25
  • until Thursday 10 July 25
  • Times: 14:30 - 16:00
  • Event Type: Free event
Further Information…

The New Bereavement Café is now running monthly at The Oasis Café at Hertford Methodist Church on Ware Road in Hertford, every second Thursday afternoon of the month from 2.30pm-4pm.

Everyone is welcome to attend, from across the district and wherever you live. You can find us at The Oasis Café, Hertford Methodist Church, Ware Road, Hertford SG13 7DZ.

Meetings of the Bereavement Café in Hertford will be on the second Thursday of every month:

Thursday 9th January
Thursday 13th February
Thursday 13th March
Thursday 10th April
Thursday 8th May
Thursday 12th June
Thursday 10th July
August – Closed

ID: 3696